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Yoni Silverman speaks on The Most Important 2023-2024 Catastrophic Cases Conference

Yoni Silverman speaks on The Most Important 2023-2024 Catastrophic Cases Conference
We are pleased to announce that Yoni Silberman will be speaking on October 25 at the 2024 Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference on the topic of 'The Most Important 2023-2024 Catastrophic Cases’. Link:

Yoni Silverman at OSOT Conference


Galit Liffshiz (she/her), MA, OT Reg. (Ont.), GLA Rehab and Yoni Silberman, Partner, Bogoroch and Associates

This workshop is targeted to OTs working in the auto insurance sector. It will provide a review of the most recent License Appeal Tribunal (LAT) or court decisions related to catastrophic assessment on various CAT criteria. Through learning the cases, we will review specific CAT criterion and address the role of the OT on each.

During this session, OTs who are treating clients that may apply for a catastrophic designation, or who are completing CAT assessments on any criteria, will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and contribute to collective learning about types of assessment tools, being part of an assessment team, screening for red flags before the assessment, and reviewing the principles and standards of completing assessments.

An open and collegial discussion will be facilitated amongst participants, whether practicing as IE OTs or section 25 assessing OTs, to support all occupational therapy assessments to be aligned with best practices.

You will:

  • Review the most recent LAT or court decisions related to catastrophic assessments.
  • Gain a refresh on CAT criteria.
  • Discuss assessment tools used for each criterion.
  • Discuss challenges and opportunities related to occupational therapy CAT assessments.
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