Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Lawyers
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Ms. Irene Incaviglia

Thorold, Ontario

Dear Mr. Bogoroch:

… We would like to express to you our warmest thanks for the way you have handled my case all the way, starting last January 2001 and completed not even a year after that.

I will make it my duty to inform others in my situation to get a competent lawyer like you … You have assured me since the beginning that you would win my case and thanks to your excellent organizing skills and experience, now the case is closed, happily for all of us and after so much suffering.

It has been a pleasure to know you and all your staff. Special thanks to Ms. Heidi Brown, who worked along[side] yourself [tirelessly].

Please Mr. Bogoroch, keep on helping people with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, because it means so much to find a lawyer who really does understand about these invisible diseases and fight with them and for them.

All our best to you, until we meet again.

– Irene Incaviglia

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