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Motor Vehicle Accident Causing Death of Infant Son

Motor Vehicle Accident Causing Death of Infant Son

The Family

The P. family’s vehicle was struck from behind, killing their infant son D. and injuring two other minor children A. and B. A.’s face was cut during the accident, which resulted in a permanent facial scar, and B. broke his arm. The parents F. and L. both suffered neck and back injuries.

The death of their youngest son D. understandably led to extraordinary shock and grief for the parents. Both were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and had great difficulty managing their day-to-day lives.

Too young to understand the full implications of their loss at the time of the accident, siblings A. (aged 4 at the time of the accident) and B. (aged 6) would grow up without a beloved brother.

Bogoroch & Associates: The experienced team at Bogoroch & Associates understood that while the P. family was injured and suffering both physical and psychological wounds, the case needed to move forward.

Though a cash settlement, no matter what the amount could never replace their son or take away their grief, they were entitled to compensation for their suffering.

The Resolution

Bogoroch & Associates sought two sources of compensation:

1. A civil case against the driver for a personal injury claim for 4 types of damages:

  • death, pain and suffering of the surviving family members, and loss of enjoyment of life
  • loss of income
  • future care expenses
  • out of pocket expenses

2. Accident benefits were sought from the offending driver’s insurance company.

How the case was settled: Bogoroch & Associates obtained all relevant medical reports from doctors treating the P. family, which clearly determined that the each member of the family had sufferedphysical and psychological damage from the accident.

  1. The civil case: The defendant in the case (the other driver) had already admitted liability for the accident. Once all of the documentation was prepared, the case proceeded to a pre-trial conference, whereby a Judge delivers an opinion on the case before it proceeds to a court of law. The Judge, in this instance, agreed with Bogoroch & Associates and a considerable settlement was determined.
  2. Accident benefits were settled, ensuring that the P. family’s medical expenses and any lost income would be covered.

Bogoroch and Associates guided the family through a most difficult time with professionalism and care, and pursued the case to ensure that those accountable for the accident would acknowledge guilt, and provide appropriate compensation to the accident victims.

No amount of compensation can alleviate emotional and psychological trauma. But when the P. family was in need, Bogoroch and Associates organized the case, answered all of the family’s questions about the law, providing the support and structure to put the family on a stronger and lasting financial foundation.

*Please note that the settlement amounts will vary from case to case and are not reflective of what your case may be worth.