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Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Blog

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Should you Sue for Medical Malpractice 02 / October / 2023

The first formal step in a medical malpractice claim or lawsuit...

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Can You Sue for Medical Malpractice in Small Claims Court? 17 / September / 2023

What is Small Claims Court? The Small Claims Court...

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Desrochers et al v. McGinnis et al 2022 ONSC 5050 20 / June / 2023

In Desrochers et al v. McGinnis et al...

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Plaintiffs successful in recent informed consent case: Denman v Radovanovic, 2023 ONSC 1160 05 / June / 2023

Informed consent is critical to healthcare.  It can also give rise to legal liability when doctors do not obtain informed consent...

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What to do after a hit and run accident? 19 / April / 2023

Being in a serious car accident is a frightening and difficult...

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Solicitor-Client Privilege 14 / April / 2023

What is Solicitor-Client Privilege? One of the fundamental principles in law is solicitor-client privilege – that is,...

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What is the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA)? 10 / April / 2023

The Canadian Medical Protective Association, commonly called the CMPA, is a defence organization that works on behalf of doctors...

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Is delayed diagnosis on the rise? 27 / March / 2023

What constitutes delayed diagnosis? A delayed diagnosis occurs when you learn that you have a condition that should have...

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