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Alexandria's Blog

Keep reading our blog to stay up-to-date on the latest news. Bogoroch & Associates LLP leads the way in writing and curating important news-worthy information on serious personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, product liability and disability claims litigation.

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The Right to Die With Dignity: the Supreme Court Revisits the Issue of Physician-assisted Suicide 11 / March / 2015

Canadians faced with “intolerable” suffering as a result of serious illness or disability have the right to doctor-assisted...

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Rewired: Learning to Tame a Noisy Brain. (or, How You Can Use the Power of Neuroplasticity) 11 / March / 2015

A recent article in ‘The Globe and Mail’ reports on Dr. Norman Doidge’s incredible stories of recovery from the sci-fi like frontier...

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Municipal & Occupiers’ Liability: Who Is Responsible for Your Slips/trips & Falls? 24 / December / 2014

Ontario winters are notoriously treacherous.  Despite being careful about where and how we walk, accidents do happen. During the...

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Richard Bogoroch Invited to Speak at Tricks of the Trade 2015 06 / November / 2014

Richard Bogoroch has been invited to speak at a high-profile event organized by The Advocates’ Society.  He will participate in...

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Identifying Concussion Signs in Children and Teens 06 / November / 2014

Parents, coaches and teachers frequently overlook concussions by characterizing physical impact as a minor ‘bonk on the head’. ...

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Roche Breast Cancer Drug Perjeta Appears to Greatly Extend Patients’ Lives 06 / November / 2014

A recent article in ‘The New York Times’ reports a new drug used to treat advanced breast cancer.  In a clinical trial, the drug...

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Science Fiction Come True: Paralyzed Man Moves Arm With His Thoughts Using Microchip in His Brain 30 / September / 2014

The Bogoroch Post will keep you informed of recent developments in medicine and law and will share with you news articles we think...

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Case Study: Getting the Compensation You Deserve and the Peace of Mind That Goes With It 30 / September / 2014

Bogoroch & Associates LLP is committed to improving the lives of those suffering from injuries caused by no fault of their own. The...

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