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Bogoroch & Associates LLP is proud to support Toronto Lawyers Feed the Hungry

Bogoroch & Associates LLP is proud to support Toronto Lawyers Feed the Hungry

Bogoroch & Associates is proud to support the Toronto Lawyers Feed the Hungry program by sponsoring a meal to be served on March 16th, 2022.

The Toronto Lawyers Fee the Hungry program has been in existence since March 1998, and is on the front lines of responding to and trying to alleviate hunger on behalf of those in need.

Approximately 1,100 meals are served weekly during their meal services which take place four times per week out of the Law Society of Ontario’s cafeteria. The existence of this program would not be possible without the combined efforts of dedicated volunteers, and generous sponsors.

Guests are able to access regular hot meals weekly in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. For more information, please visit Lawyers Feed the Hungry online.

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