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Richard M. Bogoroch's Summary of Important Cases

The following is a sampling of interesting and informative cases.

18 / December / 2020

In Boutcher v Cha, the Plaintiff underwent a hysterectomy performed by the Defendant gynecologist. Parties agreed that the only issue for trial was whether placement of two sutures in the base of Ms Boutcher’s bladder wall was negligent or non…

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6 / October / 2018

For the full decision, please click Surujdeo v. Melady, 2017 ONCA 41

30 / April / 2008

April, 30 2008 Richard Bogoroch and Heidi Brown had the honour of acting on behalf of a young man who was viciously assaulted late at night by several individuals inside a Coffee Time Donuts franchise in Toronto in March, 2001.…

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3 / February / 2004

February, 03 2004 Richard Bogoroch represented the Pagonis family at the trial of a legal issue to determine how much insurance coverage was available to satisfy the plaintiffs' claims. The defense argued that there was $200,000 available, while Richard Bogoroch…

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25 / March / 2003

March, 25 2003 Richard Bogoroch, assisted by Linda Wolanski and Tripta Chandler, successfully represented Edward Van Dyke in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Mr. Van Dyke sustained serious injuries and the permanent destruction of his vestibular function as a result of…

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20 / October / 2000

October, 20 2000 Richard Bogoroch, assisted by Heidi Brown, represented plaintiffs Nadine and Shawn Simon in a case involving complications and emergency surgery for a gastric ulcer. September, 2000 Note: The Simon vs. Lusis case was overturned on appeal. The appeal…

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12 / November / 1999

November, 12 1999 Richard Bogoroch, assisted by Linda Wolanski, represented plaintiff Domenica Fimiani in obtaining benefits from Liberty Mutual Insurance in the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident. Domenica Fimiani v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Reasons for Decision Before: David Muir…

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