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Linda J. Wolanski's Summary of Important Cases

The following is a sampling of interesting and informative cases.

30 / April / 2005

April, 30 2005 Linda Wolanski represented Ruban Thangarasa, who was injured in a motor vehicle accident on March, 1998. He applied for and received statutory accident benefits from Gore Mutual Insurance Company. The parties were unable to resolve their disputes…

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25 / March / 2003

March, 25 2003 Richard Bogoroch, assisted by Linda Wolanski and Tripta Chandler, successfully represented Edward Van Dyke in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Mr. Van Dyke sustained serious injuries and the permanent destruction of his vestibular function as a result of…

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12 / November / 1999

November, 12 1999 Richard Bogoroch, assisted by Linda Wolanski, represented plaintiff Domenica Fimiani in obtaining benefits from Liberty Mutual Insurance in the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident. Domenica Fimiani v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Reasons for Decision Before: David Muir…

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