Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Lawyers
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News & Events

As a testament to our knowledge and experience, the lawyers at Bogoroch & Associates are often invited to speak and present at legal conferences and programs.

The lawyers at Bogoroch & Associates are honored to share their knowledge and expertise with their legal colleagues.

Tricks of the Trade Conference 2014: In Pursuit of Excellence: Practical Tools to Enhance Your Practice 24 / January / 2014

On January 24, 2014, Richard M. Bogoroch was pleased to co-chair The Advocate’s Society’s Tricks of the Trade Conference 2014: In Pursuit of Excellence: Practical Tools to Enhance Your Practice.

Tricks of the Trade Conference 2014: In Pursuit of Excellence: Practical Tools to Enhance Your PracticeRead more
Osgoode Professional Development’s 9th Annual Update: Personal Injury Law and Practice 27 / September / 2013

This comprehensive Osgoode Professional Development annual conference brings the latest key developments from a faculty of personal injury experts, led by Richard M. Bogoroch and Susan E. Gunter.   Yoni Silberman led a panel titled: Addressing Canada Pension Plan Issues in…

Osgoode Professional Development’s 9th Annual Update: Personal Injury Law and PracticeRead more
9th Annual Personal Injury Law & Practice 27 / September / 2013

On September 27, 2013, Richard M. Bogoroch was pleased to co-chair the 9th Annual Personal Injury Law & Practice event hosted by Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development.

9th Annual Personal Injury Law & PracticeRead more
OTLA’s 2013 Conference – Settled! Sowing the Seeds for Settlement 30 / May / 2013

On May 30, 2015, Richard M. Bogoroch was pleased to be a panelist at “Making the Most of a Mediation” at OTLA’s SETTLED! Sowing the Seeds for Settlement.

OTLA’s 2013 Conference – Settled! Sowing the Seeds for SettlementRead more
OTLA’s Spring Conference – Settled! Sowing the Seeds for Settlement 13 / May / 2013

Heidi Brown was selected to chair OTLA’s 2013 Spring Conference. She also moderated the panel discussion: The Role of the Pre-Trial in the Mediation Era.    

OTLA’s Spring Conference – Settled! Sowing the Seeds for SettlementRead more
Managing and Litigating Disability Insurance Claims 1 / April / 2013

In April 2013, Richard M. Bogoroch was pleased to give a presentation entitled “How to Work and Communicate Effectively with Experts to Build a Strong Evidentiary Record” at The Canadian Institute’s Managing and Litigating Disability Insurance Claims Conference.

Managing and Litigating Disability Insurance ClaimsRead more
Tricks of the Trade Conference 2013: Staying Ahead of the Curve: Latest Updates, Critical Case Law and New Practical Tips 22 / January / 2013

On January 22, 2013, Richard M. Bogoroch was pleased to co-chair The Advocate’s Society’s Tricks of the Trade Conference 2013: Staying Ahead of the Curve: Latest Updates, Critical Case Law and New Practical Tips.

Tricks of the Trade Conference 2013: Staying Ahead of the Curve: Latest Updates, Critical Case Law and New Practical TipsRead more
8th Annual Personal Injury Law & Practice 28 / September / 2012

On September 28, 2012, Richard M. Bogoroch was pleased to co-chair the Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development’s 8th Annual Personal Injury Law & Practice.

8th Annual Personal Injury Law & PracticeRead more
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