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The following are articles and papers authored by Bogoroch & Associates LLP principals.

December 2011

The Accident In July 2009, our client, Ms. G.C., was injured in a motorcycle accident in Toronto. She was going straight through an intersection when the Defendant tort feasor made a left hand turn in front of her causing her…

Hairstylist Suffers Chronic Pain From Motorcycle AccidentRead more
30 / October / 2011

Expert evidence is critical to the outcome of a personal injury case. As the reliance on expert witnesses in litigation increases, new and enhanced techniques are required to communicate complex issues to the trier of fact. Because expert testimony is…

Expert Demonstrative EvidenceRead more
25 / May / 2011

Settlement of personal injury claims on behalf of persons under disability has engendered confusion and uncertainty for personal injury lawyers. Counsel for the Plaintiff often negotiates what she is of the view is an excellent result on behalf of her…

Obtaining Court ApprovalRead more
June 2010

In December of 2004, K.B., a husband and father of two children, was driving on the 401 Highway near Milton, Ontario, when his car was rear-ended by a tractor trailer. The accident rendered K.B. catastrophically injured. Bogoroch & Associates were hired…

Serious Injuries Sustained by Pedestrian in Motor Vehicle AccidentRead more
Co-written by: Richard M. Bogoroch , Sarah Ng
27 / May / 2010

Introduction Overview of Housekeeping Claims, The Pre-McIntyre Approach The right of an injured plaintiff to advance a claim for loss of housekeeping capacity is well established in Canadian law. In the Supreme Court of Canada decision of Peter v. Beblow1,…

Claiming Housekeeping ClaimsRead more
29 / September / 2009

Know the Basics Chronic pain symptoms are by and large, subjective, and as such, cannot generally be corroborated by objective findings on physical examination or imaging such as CT scan or MRI. There has been ongoing controversy in the medical…

Five Essentials for Litigating Chronic PainRead more
30 / April / 2009

This paper provides an annotated template for the contingency fee retainer agreement. What we are retained to do J. Doe & Associates are being retained by the client to provide the following services, namely, to represent the client in respect…

Annotated RetainerRead more
28 / February / 2009

In 2008, significant developments in motor vehicle accident law have generated a great deal of “buzz” among those who practice motor vehicle accident litigation. The potential ramifications are significant, yet there remains a great deal of uncertainty as to how…

The Great Divide: Some Issues to Consider from the Plaintiff's Perspective to Bridge the Gap Between Tort and Accident BenefitsRead more
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