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The following are articles and papers authored by Bogoroch & Associates LLP principals.

30 / June / 2001

June, 2001

Introduction “A jury trial is a fight and not an afternoon tea.”1 When Mr. Justice Riddell famously said that a lawsuit is not “an afternoon tea” he could not have anticipated but must have had in mind fibromyalgia litigation. The…

Tactics and Strategies in Handling the Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia Lawsuit – From the Plaintiff's PerspectiveRead more
22 / June / 2001

The Nature of the Case: S.R., a loving mother and caregiver, worked as a nanny in her employer’s home. S.R.’s goals included working to establish her immediate family’s residence in Canada, while sending funds to her extended family in the Philippines.…

Surgeon’s Error Causes DeathRead more
Co-written by: Richard M. Bogoroch , Rachel Urman
April 2001

In recent years, the issues of wrongful pregnancy, wrongful birth, wrongful continuation of pregnancy and wrongful death have engendered controversy among the lawyers, physicians and the general public. These cases raise important public policy, moral and ethical issues. The purpose…

Recent Developments in Obstetric Negligence LawRead more
30 / March / 2001

The Accident J.D. was a passenger in a vehicle, driven by his mother in inclement weather on the way home from a ski trip in Collingwood, Ontario. He was seated in the back seat of the car. J.D.’s mother was…

Winter Accident Leads to Severe, Lifelong Injuries of TeenRead more
19 / March / 2001

The Accident T.R., a youthful 58 year-old woman, was struck by a car when crossing the road at a pedestrian crosswalk. The accident completely altered T.R.’s life, causing severe brain damage, and loss of cognitive function. Prior to the accident,…

Pedestrian Struck at Crosswalk by Motor Vehicle Suffers Severe Brain DamageRead more
14 / March / 2001

The Nature of the Case O.A., a successful Audit Manager at Ernst & Yong was diagnosed with Lupus, a severe autoimmune disease. The illness made it impossible to continue with the very demanding, and stressful role as an accounting professional.…

Lupus Sufferer Denied Benefits by InsurerRead more
28 / February / 2001

This in-depth paper focuses on strategies and tactics to employ in chronic pain cases arising from car accidents, in light of the Ontario Motorist Protection Plan. By Richard Bogoroch 1. Introduction Chronic pain cases are challenging, difficult and complex. They…

Strategies for Chronic Pain and Emotional Injuries: Coping With the OMPP ThresholdRead more
15 / September / 2000

The Family The P. family’s vehicle was struck from behind, killing their infant son D. and injuring two other minor children A. and B. A.’s face was cut during the accident, which resulted in a permanent facial scar, and B.…

Motor Vehicle Accident Causing Death of Infant SonRead more
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