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Are You a Victim of Medical Malpractice?

You Don't Pay Unless We Recover Money for You

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Experienced Ontario Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Have you or someone you love been a victim of negligent, careless, or even dangerous medical or hospital care? If so, you need a proactive lawyer to work on your behalf to ensure that you are legally protected and fairly compensated. The lawyers at Bogoroch & Associates LLP fight for those whose trust and care were compromised and understand how to litigate these complex and challenging cases.

Patients have the right to expect that their healthcare providers will provide them with reasonable, safe and thoughtful medical care. Unfortunately, there are occasions in which doctors, nurses, and other medical staff are negligent, resulting in treatment that is below the acceptable standard of care, putting patients in danger of harm.



Lawyers With Over 30+ Years Of Experience

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    Date of Incident *

    We will be in touch within 24 hours
    **We will not forward your information to any third party.

    Ways we can help

    Bogoroch & Associates LLP is committed to improving the lives of victims of medical malpractice and their families. Our objective is to secure the best possible result for you and your family, while holding the medical practitioners accountable for their actions.

    Our team of lawyers and staff have decades of experience in medical malpractice. Some of the most common types of malpractice cases that we handle include:


    Delayed Diagnosis

    Emergency Room Negligence

    Medical Errors

    Equipment Malfunction

    Delayed Treatments Of Injections

    Prescription Drug Errors

    Breach of Informed Consent

    Nursing Home Negligence

    Preventable Amputations

    Surgical & Anesthesia Errors

    Incorrect Treatment & Failure To Treat

    Hospital & Nursing Home Falls


    Other Forms Of Negligent Care

    Do you have questions about Medical Malpractice? Download our brochure and then contact us today.

    We are Experienced Medical Malpractice Lawyers

    Why are medical malpractice cases so challenging and why do you need a medical malpractice lawyer?

    Medical malpractice claims are typically complex legal cases which require an understanding of both law and Ontario's healthcare system. You'll benefit from hiring a medical malpractice lawyer that has the expertise in this area since they'll have experience handling complex medical malpractice litigation.

    If you've been injured in Ontario, you are likely entitled to benefits. Additionally, you may be eligible for a monetary settlement or award.

    • Free consultation
    • Interpreters can be provided when necessary
    • Our objective is to provide effective, responsive & compassionate legal representation

    How Do I Know If I Have Been A Victim Of Medical Malpractice?

    Determining whether you have fallen victim of medical malpractice can be a complex endeavor. Additionally, you may wonder if you have the right to make a claim and seek legal action. To establish negligence on the part of your healthcare provider, two crucial elements must be proven:

    1. Breach of Standard of Care

    It is necessary to demonstrate that your healthcare provider deviated from the accepted standard of care that is expected in their profession. 

    2. Causation

    You must establish a direct correlation between the  provider’s actions and the injury or harm that you have suffered.

    Can I Pursue a Claim and File a Lawsuit?

    If you can substantiate both the breach of standard of care and the resulting injury or damage that was caused by the breach of the standard  of care, you may have grounds to pursue a claim and initiate a lawsuit.  However, it’s important to note that the process and requirements for filing a claim and pursing legal action can vary based on jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of your case. Seeking guidance from an experienced medical malpractice lawyer is advisable to assess the viability of your claim and navigate the legal proceedings effectively.

    Bogoroch & Associates LLP

    Our team at Bogoroch can help you determine if your case qualifies for a medical malpractice claim and can assist you by providing you with effective and powerful advocacy enabling you to obtain the compensation you deserve.

    When you choose to retain a medical malpractice lawyer at Bogoroch, you gain the peace of mind that can only come from proven methods and applicable experience.

    Patient safety is paramount and when that is compromised, and medical errors happen, the consequences are devastating and life-changing. You deserve to have the strength of our medical malpractice lawyers on your side.

    Why Choose Bogoroch?

    When you choose Bogoroch & Associates LLP, you can trust in lawyers who are highly experienced and with a demonstrated ability to handle medical malpractice cases effectively. Richard Bogoroch, our managing partner, leads our medical malpractice group and he has extensive experience in medical malpractice litigation. Our unwavering  determination and persistence will guide you towards obtaining the rightful compensation you deserve. We prioritize keeping you fully informed throughout your case, ensuring that you are aware of every important development along the way.

    Proven Track Record

    You can expect clear, direct and practical advice from lawyers who’s determination and persistence will help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

    Excellent Communication

    We make certain you are kept completely informed, every step of the way.

    Contingency Fee Model

    You won’t pay unless we recover money for you. We ensure justice is accessible to all.

    At Bogoroch & Associates LLP we believe in making justice accessible. We accept medical malpractice cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you only pay if we recover money for you.

    Cases We Do Not Take On

    Short Term Injuries

    Medical errors and negligence almost always cause some pain and suffering to victims and their families. If the resulting injury is not permanent in nature, a formal lawsuit may not be the appropriate route. In these cases, you may wish to contact the relevant Regulator (for example, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario), or the Patient  Relations department at the hospital, in order to voice your concerns.

    Bedside Manner Complaints

    Our perception of the quality of healthcare we receive as patients can be dependent on the manner in which it was delivered. If you feel that you  were subject to poor bedside manner, or even a rude or dismissive attitude, you should contact the Patient Relations department at the hospital in  order to voice your concerns.

    Strictly Dental Cases

    In most circumstances, our lawyers do not act on behalf of victims of dental malpractice.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Malpractice Law 

    1. How do you prove medical malpractice in Canada?

    To establish that your healthcare provider was negligent in providing care to you, you must be able to prove two things: 1) that they breached the standard of care, and 2) that the breach caused the injury or damage in question – this is known in law as “causation.”

    2. What are the chances that my case will go to trial?

    Medical malpractice actions are particularly difficult and risky compared to other personal injury actions, and there is no guarantee that the opposing side will settle before going to Trial. We make every effort to settle your case while continuing to prepare for Trial. We always discuss with you the expert opinions, and your chances of success at Trial, to ensure you make an informed decision about whether to continue with your lawsuit.

    3. How long will my medical malpractice lawsuit take to resolve?

    Your case should take approximately four-five years to reach a conclusion. The steps in a medical malpractice lawsuit include the following:

    1. Collecting the relevant medical records and investigating the merits of the case;
    2. Issuing the Statement of Claim;
    3. Serving the Statement of Claim on the opposing side; 
    4. Receiving the Statement of Defence;
    5. Completing the Discovery process, including Examinations for Discovery;
    6. Conducting Mediation; and
    7. Proceeding to Trial, if required.

    Some cases can be resolved without a Trial. But if your case does not settle at or after Mediation, additional steps are taken before Trial, such as attending a Pre-Trial conference. Though your lawsuit may take a long time to conclude, we will investigate and evaluate your case, as well as discuss the merits of your case with you at every stage of the proceeding.

    4. Do I have to pay an upfront fee to start the claim?

    Yes, there is a time limit to start a medical malpractice lawsuit. Most provinces in Canada have incorporated a “discoverability rule” into their statute of limitations. This means that the time does not start to run until the patient discovers the facts that led them to believe that there may have been negligence involved.

    What our Clients say

    Nothing speaks more powerfully to the dedication and success of our Medical Malpractice lawyers than the heartfelt words of grateful clients.  Here is what our clients have to say in their own words – Google Reviews.


    I would without a doubt, no questions asked, recommend Bogoroch’s office. They are the best thing that happened to me, they are a gift in my journey, and I am so lucky that they took me on as family and treated me the way they have and rooted me on. They have been an integral part of why I am here in the state that I am in today.

    Stephanie MacLeod


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