Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Lawyers
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Toby Samson and Alexandra Roman to participate in OTLA webinar on The Medical Malpractice Trial, May 21st

Toby Samson and Alexandra Roman to participate in OTLA webinar on The Medical Malpractice Trial, May 21st

Join Toby Samson and Alexandra Roman for an Ontario Trial Lawyers Association webinar that will discuss the different facets of Medical Malpractice trials. Gain insights and strategies that will assist you with your own upcoming MedMal trials.

This 75 minute program will include:

  • Effective use of the Pre-Trial
  • Working with the Judge (and Jury!)
  • Presenting your Case
  • Shutting down the Defence case

Have your questions ready for this panel next week, Thursday, May 21st! To learn more and to register, visit the OTLA website.

This program is eligible for up to 1.25 CPD Substantive Hours.

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